Litter can create so many problems

Litter can create so many problems, not only for our environment and the world we live in, but it also hugely impacts our wildlife too. String from Balloons ribbon and fishing line can get wrapped around the legs and necks of birds and nestlings, cutting off circulation and often resulting in the animal dying.

This is what happened to this poor Cockatoo who was caught and tangled in the string from a kite

Thank you to the member of public who spotted the bird and called us straight away and to our experienced volunteer rescuer Nigel for climbing the tree to rescue him. He was taken to Nalini from Boobook Wildlife Shelter who assessed the Cockatoo for injuries, luckily due to the Cockatoo being rescued so quickly Nalini found that all of the blood came from loosing a toenail and there was only minimal swelling in the leg.

He was in care at Boobook Wildlife Shelter for 8 days to ensure the bird had time to rest and recover before being released back home in Seville. To help protect and save the lives of our wildlife, please take your rubbish home with you. If you do find any string when your out and about please collect it and put it in the rubbish bin


Online Basic Wildlife Rescue & Transport Workshop
