Human Food and not for Wildlife

Did you know that human food is not natural for birds and can make them very sick? Birds need their own natural diet to stay healthy.

Well-meaning people have been feeding their local birds an excessive amount of table scraps, bread, sausage, pet food and mince. These foods lack in nutrients and are full of preservatives and hormones.

Unnatural food fills them up, taking away their need to hunt for natural foods and unlike us they don’t understand that human food will cause them health problems.

Over time this can lead to metabolic bone disease resulting in weakened beaks, damaged wings, bowed or misshapen legs and curled feet

Love your local backyard birds but please don’t ‘love them to death’. We don’t recommend to feed any wildlife but if you do it’s your responsibility to give them the right food We have provided some better food alternatives to feed backyard birds in the comments below.


Juvenile Wombat


Blue Tongue Lizards